From Patient to Coach
Back in 2010 Nathan “Matt” Turner was diagnosed with bipolar disorder; a condition that would lead to weeks of depression and the occasional manic episode. After receiving the diagnosis Matt lost hope and spent nine months in bed with no hope to any improvement to his condition. That was until he read a book by Stephen Fry that restored his hope and gave him the willpower to live life to the fullest alongside his awful symptoms.
As Matt was in recovery he began reading books, books that gave him an understanding of his illness. Five years later he used some of the concepts learnt from years of study and reflection to develop a new revolutionary model called Social Restructure Coaching (SRC). A programme that led him to fully recover from bipolar disorder.
In 2016 Matt founded Maze Psychologies (now Blue Pop Coaching) a business with the aim of helping those suffering from a wide variety of mental illnesses by applying the teachings of SRC. Whilst some people may be able to end their emotional suffering entirely others will see some sort of improvement if they redesign their lifestyles to fulfil their emotional needs.
The coaching, which Matt fully advocates reconciles with some of the opinions of freethinking psychiatrists and he has scientific evidence to back up his claims. Matt believes that his clients’ health comes before profit and believes one session of SRC is enough to get someone functioning and healthy again; but that’s if the client is committed to making wholesome changes in their personal life.
Matt is the author of a novel called The Spiritual Leader, which is based on the subject of mental illness and acts as a model to how anyone can make a recovery from a severe illness such as bipolar. He is currently pursuing his dream of public speaking to share his pivotal views on how people can recover from ill mental health no matter what their doctors have diagnosed them with.