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Self-Esteem Cultivation


There are two components to having high self-esteem; loving yourself for qualities you have identified in your character and conduct and having these qualities validated by others. This external validation from others proves to the self that it is not deluding itself with false or harmful beliefs. This comes from the innate and subconscious need to work alongside others and function in a community or social circle. Self-love plus acceptance equals high self-esteem. Having high self-esteem allows you to practice being your actual or authentic self and having no reservations in conveying or expressing who you are to others. With high self-esteem your communication skills will enhance making you not afraid to share your opinions or contribute to a cause. This increases the likelihood of mutually benefiting from an interaction with another whether in your personal or professional life. High self-esteem stops you from being taken advantage of. In a session, Matt will seek to eliminate self-deprecating thoughts and allow a client to define who they truly are and who they like to be around others. In addition to this he will teach a client socially attractive traits that can secure a strong relationship with another. To hear more about this service and how it will benefit you please do get in touch by filling out our form.

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