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Blue Pop Coaching

Coaching with Nathan "Matt" Turner

Matt's Pledge

What People Want

As a professional life coach Nathan “Matt” Turner doesn’t brush his tacky signature all over the Blue Pop website, give false promises, share a rags to riches story that no one is interested in hearing or emphasize a point using any variation of the word shit… shite’s ok but used ONLY to his Irish clients.


One session with Matt should be enough to start making the changes in your life that bring everlasting happiness. Your transformation is what he is focusing on, not the hours on his timesheet. But a handshake after a session will please him.


Matt has an informal approach to coaching hence why most of the website photos were of him exploring London with a close friend and not stock images… as you can tell the city never gets old.


Matt ensures quick results. Sadly all he can offer if not successful is recommendations of hotels in India. You’re sure to find yourself there if you cannot find yourself in London and advice from a guru or yogi is super cheap!!


For a quote please fill out our form and arrange an initial phone call.


DISCLAIMER: What a representative, coach, employee or associate of Blue Pop offers is not medical, legal or personal advice but for entertainment purposes ONLY. Please request the terms and conditions before purchasing a product or service from Blue Pop Coaching.

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